Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Chicks = love & care

95 qt. Rubbermaid bin

It is important to keep your new baby chicks warm and free from drafts. They will also need to be properly fed and watered, and be protected from predators. A 95 quart Rubbermaid plastic bin can be a satisfactory home for up to 20 newly hatched chicks. The size and shape of the bin is not as important as long as it provides enough space for the chicks and the equipment to feed and water them.  Next I take the lid and cut out the center leaving a 2 inch edge and attach chicken wire with plastic ties.This is to protect the chicks from cats and other predators. The sides of the box provide adequate protection from drafts. Next I place a brooder lamp on top and use a 65 watt light which is adequate if your chicks are kept indoors in a heated room. Make sure that the lamp is attached safely so it won't be a fire hazard. During the 1st week the temperature should remain at 90-95 degrees. As the chicks get older reduce the temp by 5 degrees a week. When the chicks are cold, they bunch up and give off a distressed chirp. When they are too warm they will pant with their mouths open. I use rubber shelf liner the first few days so that the chicks can get a firm grip as they walk. After that I use old newspaper and change it out every day. Make sure the paper does not have a strong ink smell. Be sure to change their water twice a day, or more frequently if necessary to keep the water clean and fresh. Clean the waterer each time you make the change, and refill it with fresh slightly warm water. Although chicks don't need feed or water the first 48 hours after hatching, both are usually provided as soon as the chicks are transferred to the brooder. I use a small dish the first few days for a feeder. Let the chicks scratch around in the feed for the first few days so they get off to a good start on the feed. Chicks are best started on a 20 percent chick starter mash. Remember the better you feed your chicks the healthier they will remain and they will also grow faster. When the chicks are approx 4 weeks old I transfer them outside to an outdoor brooder. Once again this all depends on the weather and time of year.We currently have week old baby chicks for sale, in the following breeds.

Silver Sussex - $10.00 a piece
Welsummers - $6.00 a piece
Golden Laced Wyandottes - $6.00 a piece
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes - $10.00 a piece
Silver Laced Wyandottes - $10.00 a piece
Mottled Javas - $6.00 a piece
Partridge Rocks - $6.00 a piece
Trout or Black Runner ducklings - $10.00 a piece
You can email me at to place your order.You can also call at 619-301-4538. We are located in Caldwell County near Lockhart, Texas in the city of Martindale. We are also 25 miles south of Austin.
Outdoor brooder

Friday, February 4, 2011

Healthy Pumpkin Cornbread

Pumpkin Cornbread

I made a batch of this delicious cornbread today along with my home made 15 Bean Chicken Salsa Chili recipe, which you will find in the recipes section.

1 egg
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup applesauce
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 cup whole wheat or all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
add Flax seeds, nuts or hulled pumpkin seeds to taste

 Directions - Sift cornmeal, flour, baking powder and spices in a large mixing bowl.

Beat egg in bowl. Whisk in pumpkin, sugar, applesauce and honey.

Add liquids to dry mixture and blend batter gently until mixed.

Pour batter into greased pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes

Serve hot with butter or cream cheese